Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Dec 2024)
Decades of excessive and inappropriate exploitation of the world’s ecosystems have destroyed much of the global biodiversity. In this edition we consider the latest international initiative to halt and then reverse biodiversity loss, the Kunming – Montreal Global Diversity Framework.
Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Sep 2024)
Hong Kong’s first municipal policy waste (MSW) charging scheme, initially proposed in 2005, finally was legislated to commence on 1 August 2024. However, in a regrettable U-turn, on 27 May 2024 the government indefinitely postponed implementation of the scheme. This edition considers issues related to that decision.
Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Jun 2024)
In keeping with the healthy rivers theme of the March edition of the UPELQ, this edition provides an overview of the serious degradation of most of China’s river systems due to pollution, in one form or another.
Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Mar 2024)
The health of our rivers and their dependant ecosystems is an environmental issue which is perhaps over shadowed to some extent by Hong Kong’s more prominent environmental problems, such as poor air quality and harmful waste disposal practices. In this edition, we consider the health of our rivers and streams and partial) review an informative article on this topic published by Earth.org.